My 48-Hour Covid Nightmare
Photo courtesy of Haunani Saifoloi
This is me (Bridget) in the hospital getting mentally ready to take the Covid test and the antibody test.
It’s scary thinking you have Covid.
Two weeks ago, I was exposed to Covid. After my family and I found out we had been near someone who tested positive for coronavirus, we hustled to a hospital to get tested.
Those 48 hours were terrifying. All the worst-case possibilities came to mind. I could have possibly infected my loved ones and others … I was scared out of my mind because this didn’t just affect me but everyone I had been in contact with. I’m not embarrassed but scared at the fact I could have infected others.
Family members and friends are the easiest way of catching Covid. Look at Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s story about how he and his wife and his two young kids tested positive, he announced in an Instagram video on Sept. 2. They caught the virus from very close family friends.
“Testing positive for Covid-19 is much different than overcoming nasty injuries or being evicted or even being broke, which I have been more than a few times,” Johnson said in the video. “The reason why I feel this is different is because my number one priority is to always protect my family and protect my children, my loved ones.”
I get where Johnson is coming from. My neighbor tested positive, and he didn’t know how long he had it. He didn’t have symptoms, but it’s mandatory that all employees are tested monthly. I live in a townhouse, so we live right next to each other and share an entryway. We also do a lot of potlucks as a community especially being in Tier 2 (5 can gather in different households). A week before he tested positive, we had a BBQ and we were all in close contact.
According to The New York Times, more than 9,376,000 people in the United States have been infected with the coronavirus and at least 231,400 have died. Hawaii has had 15,359 cases and 218 deaths.
“I truly didn’t know I had it,” said my neighbor who tested positive. “If I had symptoms, I wouldn’t have been out and about and interacting with others. I just hope no one hates me for this.”
It is insane to have this thought in the back of your head. As soon as we found out from the neighbor, my family and I took the test. I was terrified waiting for my test to come back. It was one of the most horrifying experiences in my life. I cried for a good hour, before and after the test. When it was time for the nurse to put the swab up my nose, I freaked out and was crying. They told me a had to stop crying and just breathe so they could take my test. I never felt anything like that before. Two days later, my test came back negative and I couldn’t be happier.
I don’t blame my neighbor. It’s not his fault, and I hope he can recover safe and healthy. The worst part about all of this is, I have to take a test two more times [to satisfy my mom’s paranoia].
I was so terrified at the thought of having Covid. It’s not fun going through this fear and freaking out if I infected someone else. I was crying one minute, and another minute I was wondering if I might die. It was a crazy experience and I’m so thankful the test came back negative. My heart goes out to those who have lost their lives to Covid and those who have tested positive.
If I have learned anything from this, I can’t control who has the virus and if I will eventually get it. I just need to be more careful and aware of who I surround myself with and where I go.