CUH Gets ‘Jiggy’ at ’90s Shindig

Cara Gutierrez

Chaminade’s Student Programming board organized a ’90s and early 2000s themed party for students to destress before finals.

On Wednesday night, Silverswords grooved under disco lights in the Loo Center for a dance party celebrating the ’90s and early 2000s culture and music.

Students Angela Faye Navor, John Paul Pacura, and Fritz Perman, who are new to Chaminade’s Student Programming Board (CSPB), held their first event. Thirty-one students came dressed up in plaid flannels, hoop earrings, and bucket hats to dance away the stress as finals inch closer. The festivity incorporated activities such as singing karaoke, playing musical chairs and posing for the photo booth with new friends.

To Connor Howe, a third-year majoring in Cellular & Molecular Biology, coming to the social meant “a little bit of relaxation” even though he had an exam on Thursday.

“There’s more people here definitely this year, so it’s good to see people back again to actually do stuff,” said Howe, who’s been coming to OSAL and CSPB events since freshman year. “It was a little sad last year because no one was on campus to do it.”

Students danced to throwbacks and sang karaoke in the Loo Center on Wednesday night. (Cara Gutierrez)

John Paul Pacura, a first-year student from Saipan, promised himself before he came to CUH that he would step out of his comfort zone and be more outgoing in college. The business administration major joined CSPB to get acquainted with the campus community and to curate events for the student body.

“I’m honestly liking it a lot because back home in Saipan I would never do these kinds of things like put myself out there, make new friends, and join clubs. … CSPB is my first ever club or organization I’ve ever done in my life,” said Pacura, CSPB’s community outreach assistant.

The three board members collaborated on this event for about a month, planning logistics, including decorations, layout, and catering. Initially, the dance party was supposed to be on Friday, but it adjusted to the middle of the week due to scheduling conflicts. Regardless, music, as well as laughter, filled the Loo Center.

“It would be nice if there were more people because it would have been better and more exciting,”  Navor, who is a third-year Business Administration major, said. “With the people that are already here it’s still really fun and looks like a great atmosphere.”

Navor is in charge of managing the CSPB Instagram page and assists other members of the board on brainstorming ideas for student activities.

“I just hoped to accomplish everyone having fun and not have to think about their obligations and step out of their responsibilities and have fun in the moment,” Navor CSPB’s social media manger said.

Fritz Perman, a freshman from Micronesia, is CSPB’s event logistics assistant. He worked on fine details such as choosing black and neon music-themed decorations. The 18-year-old joined the programming board to get involved on campus, challenge his creativity, and improve his leadership skills. Perman says he’d like to see more upperclassmen attend school events. Additionally, reflecting on his first semester at CUH, the business administration major has increased his social network by actively participating in student organizations.

“I’ve met a lot of people. People here are really nice considering it’s a small campus and everyone knows each other. That’s what I like about my experience,” Perman said.

Chaminade’s “Get Jiggy Wit It” is only one of the several CSPB events that took place this semester. If you would like to get involved on campus and meet new faces, visit the OSAL office next to the Campus Ministry office in Ching Hall.