Bonnetty Wins CSGA Presidency
Antonio Bonnetty was voted as Chaminade’s student body president with Claire Riggan as his running mate.
On March 15 and 16, the Chaminade student body turned out for another year of student elections. Antonio Bonnetty and Miguel Dandan, both juniors, ran on different platforms with one proving to be the most popular among Chaminade’s students. Bonnetty came out on top, running his campaign on a platform of togetherness, aiming to better unify our small community.
“I know for me, personally, being on student government and being in the student senate and allocations board now, just knowing the improvements that need to be done and knowing that I can have such an impact and at least get those done, it’s a rewarding feeling knowing we’re in a position to do that.”, VP Riggan said.
Despite some small quirks unique to Chaminade, both candidates felt like they ran good campaigns. Dandan stated, “I feel like we targeted a broad audience, but maybe we didn’t target the right audience.”
Dandan, although he wanted to win the position, feels as if a huge weight is off of his shoulders. “It feels nice now that we’re not thinking about it. It’s over. But, of course, we are a little bit sad, as anyone would be.” Despite this, Dandan is more than happy to see Bonnetty take this important position and can even see collaboration in the future.
“It feels good, man. We’re so excited. This is a big step, we think.” “It’s exciting to know that we won but we know that’s only the beginning. We have to now earn the trust that people have instilled in us, even from the people who didn’t vote for us.”
With a focus on school spirit and togetherness, Bonnetty wants to be able to bring our community together at moment’s notice. “We’re also working on getting a mass texting service, so that way students can have instant text messages to their phones to be able to know what kind of events are going on [around campus].” Because our school has a majority of commuter students, this is a very welcomed idea.
Bonnetty doesn’t officially take office after summer session 2, shortly before the upcoming semester. Despite this, he’s already hard at work. “I know on our list, we would like to have an awesome kickoff event just to get the word out there and bring the student’s together the first week of school.”