Hogan Entrepreneurs Program Benefits Any Major
A common misconception about the Hogan Entrepreneurs Program is that it is only for students who are interested in starting their own business.
However, Ann Kishi cleared some of those misunderstandings. The associate director of the program explained how Hogan prides itself on equipping students with the effective abilities of public speaking, communicating, and networking.
“Although we are an entrepreneurial program, more of it is actually on leadership, playing that leadership role in your community after you graduate,” Kishi said. “And also, how to promote yourself, networking and skills that different facilitators come in and teach. So the students are all prepared before they leave Chaminade with the tools and skills they need to go out. Whatever it is, you could use the networking skills no matter what area you are in.”
The Hogan Entrepreneurs Program here at Chaminade is accepting applications for the 2018 Fall semester. Students who are interested have until March 30 to turn in their applications to the Hogan Office located in Kieffer Hall room 12.
After spending long hours in labs as a biology major, Mailani Faniel decided that she was not passionate about it. She switched to business administration due to the influential business background that her parents and grandparents had. In BU 200 with Margaret Friedman, Faniel had the opportunity to hear from the director of the Hogan Program, Dr. John Webster. He spoke about the exciting possibilities that the program had to offer.
“I fell in love with what he had to say about the program and that got me interested,” Faniel said. “I want to start my own business (day care center or custom clothing store) and now that I’m in it (Hogan Program).”
Like Faniel, Nonglak “Kip” Kapileo is also a senior in business administration. Originally from Thailand, she is one of those who want to open their own business. She aspires to open her own Thai restaurant, gelato shop, and spa center.
“I learned that networking and connecting with people is the key, the very important thing and without that, I mean you can still open your business, but with connection and networking it takes you to many many doors ahead of you,” Kapileo said. “ I also learned that being in the Hogan Program you just learn to speak up, you’re not afraid to do speeches, you’re not afraid to do class presentations like you have more confidence in yourself because of the program.”
Another common misconception about the program is that it is only beneficial for business majors.
Anthony Bonnetty, a junior double-majoring in environmental science and criminal justice, opened up about his biggest challenge in the Hogan Program. He says that even though he appears to be this comfortable speaking in front of others, he still struggles with self-confidence. He shared that being in the program really helped him to gain the confidence he needed to share and express ideas and thoughts to others.
“They tell you there’s only one person like you, and they give you courage to take hold of that and be proud of it,” Bonnetty said.
The Hogan Entrepreneurs Program is open to all majors. Juniors, seniors or graduate students, who maintain at least a 3.0 GPA can apply online before March 30.