New Physics, Hip-Hop clubs lead this fall’s Club Fest

Pacific Island Review is typically for clubs from the Pacific Islands, but the new Hip-Hop Club plans to collaborate for a performance in October.
Club Fest, where student-run clubs on campus open their doors to prospective students, was held on Aug. 24. This semiannual event was filled with prospective students excited to join the available clubs for the fall semester. This might have been due to new clubs like Physics and Hip-Hop clubs.
“I was excited to see so many clubs I have not seen offered in the past (at) this Club Fest,” said Desiree Depondicchello, a senior at Chaminade who is also a member of Tahitian Club. “It was great to see the many options I have this semester as opposed to last.”
Physics Club, which was last active in 2012, made its return at Club Fest. With new leadership and new plans for the upcoming year, it seemed to be one of the main tables at Club Fest.
Physics Club offered brownies to interested students and presented an elaborate display including miscellaneous experimental objects, ice vapor, flasks, and much more. More than just the display of physics on the table was the bright smile of the officers running it. Kahealani Uehara, senior and vice president of Physics Club, is excited for the upcoming semester and what her club has to offer to new students and participants.
According to Uehara, Chaminade does not have physics as a major or minor, so this club is for anyone interested in physics.
When asked what is in store for Physics Club this semester, the officers were beaming with enthusiasm on the activities planned like the hamster ball, baseball, and other sports.
“So far I’ve talked with the other officers and we’re going to do bowling to like kind of learn about the physics and how to throw a nice curveball,” said Colin Andres-Paguirian a senior and president of Physics Club. “We’re also going to go for another activity, we’re going to go in those giant hamster balls and just kind of have fun. You can also learn to throw the perfect curveball in Pokemon go so you can get all those xp (experience point).”
The lively music located on the Hip-Hop Club’s table attracted a lot of attention too. Junior and president of Hip-Hop Club, Gina Mae Dumangeng, was excited to share what she has in store for her club this semester.
“I wanted to collaborate for PIR (Pacific Island Review on Oct. 21),” said Dumangeng. “We needed to incorporate because it’s Pacific Islanders and you know a lot of Pacific Islanders love to dance hip-hop, but you know their foundation is on Tahitian, hula, Chamorro (cultures), and I’m trying to incorporate that with respect to their cultures of course.”
Not only does Hip-Hop Club have a collaboration in store but it also plan to hold workouts once a month for fitness and the interaction of everyone on campus.
“Everyone can dance,” said Dumangeng. “We are doing fitness formations once a month, open to the Chaminade community including the staff members. So we’re just going to have, it’s not zumba, we’re going to have a dance incorporated hip-hop music and just doing ab workouts.”
Director of OSAL, Spencer Darden, was pleased with the turnout at Club Fest. Unlike past semesters, Club Fest was held the first week back to school, which surprisingly did not decrease the amount of students and faculty who came out to show their support and sign up for clubs.
“I’m excited because we had a couple new clubs show up to start tabling and start building membership,” said Darden.