Chaminade University Career Services welcomed 15 vendors to its third annual Part-Time Job Fair on Sept. 9. The job fair had vendors like Victoria’s Secret, Easter Seals of Hawaii, Ronald McDonald House Charities of Hawaii and Chaminade’s own AAP tutors.
Despite Career Services’ efforts to market the event (with flyers all over campus, including bathroom stalls, as well as various social media websites), the turnout of about 80 students during the lunch received mixed reviews. Janis Chang, Career Services job placement coordinator, was expecting more of a turnout because of their various efforts to promote this event on social media sites like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. While Director Angela Coloretti thought the turnout of students was good.
This job fair was unique here on campus because it’s the first of three events Career Services hosts. Being one of the smaller events, the Part-Time Job Fair didn’t require a dress code, but still students dressed to impress, with the majority showing up in blouses and dresses verses shorts and tanks. This event was mainly to train students to get exposed to recruiters.
The vendors in particular were pleased with Chaminade’s students. One retailer set up more than 20 interviews, while other employers had open interviews right on the spot. One company is considering hiring five students from Chaminade, according to Coloretti. The majority of the vendors from this event was returning vendors who had a positive experience with Chaminade’s Career Fair and wanted to be included again. Many vendors contact Chaminade and ask if it’s possible to post jobs on campus, thus creating an opportunity to invite them to participate in these types of events.
When interviewing Chang, she hopes to help students gain positive work experience to add to their résumé.
“I feel very passionate about helping students,” Chang said.
Chang encourages students to attend more workshops and events that Career Services holds.
“It’s only one hour, and students will walk away with valuable information.”
Few students at the event had an actual résumé on them while others applied in person. Career Services encourages students to attend events like this one with a résumé in hand.
Career Services chose Sept. 9 to avoid conflict with the state job fair that’s typically held in the middle of September. Career Services has experienced difficulties getting vendors to attend after such a large event, so they try to plan around it. This event is typically on a Wednesday or Friday, but in observance of Sept. 11, Career Services chose Monday, Sept. 9.
One of the vendors at the event, Chaminade’s AAP tutors described what it was looking for in students. Alyssa Calasicas, 24, from Kaimuki, is the tutor coordinator at Chaminade as well as a program advisor. Calasicas said the AAP has set criteria for students to become tutors: a cumulative GPA of 3.0, must have an A or B in the subject he/she wishes to tutor and a professor recommendation form. Students must also be personable, know the subject, want to help others, are able to express themselves and show commitment.
The AAP doesn’t have a set number of students that can apply, but it is based off supply and demand of the various subjects. Calasicas did mention though that students do have a favorite tutor and tend to choose ones that work for them.
Career Services will be hosting its annual Career Fair, on Oct. 25. It will be a much larger event with approximately 45 vendors.