Chaminade Silversword

The student news site of Chaminade University of Honolulu

Chaminade Silversword

Chaminade Silversword

Chaminade University celebrates its service learning

For the past seven years or so, Chaminade University has hosted a Service Learning Celebration to thank the community partners Chaminade as well as recognizing and thanking the students and faculty who participate in service learning.

Students, staff and faculty members alike are all invited to the celebration on Friday, Feb. 24 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m in Ching Conference Center to see what the Chaminade community has accomplished along with learning about the partners Chaminade has in Palolo Valley. The celebration is also to thank the partnerships who have had ties with Chaminade as well as having lunch.

“I think the event is a fantastic day dedicated to all the people who have taken the time out of their busy schedules and lives to present what they’ve accomplished and are proud of,” said Kathryn Izumi, a junior at Chaminade University majoring in psychology. “I got to see all different kinds of projects being done and the satisfaction so many people, both volunteers and organization workers, got helping out their communities.”

Though there is service learning opportunities all over the island, Chaminade University mainly focuses on the Palolo Valley community. Partners like Palolo Elementary School and the Palolo `Ohana Learning Center have been invited to attend the Sercvie Learning Celebration.

“In service learning, we have intentional partnerships that we try to focus our efforts on because we only have a limited number of students that are doing service learning,” said Candice Sakuda, who has been the director of Service Learning since 2005.

Though it is uncertain at this point who will be able to attend the event, one group to keep an eye out for is the Palolo Youth Athletic Club.

“It’s a program that combines football with academics to give them constructive activities to do after school. It’s actually run by the people who grew up through the housing,” Sakuda said.

As for the number of the school’s students attending, there has been a good turnout to the celebration, though Sakuda would like to have more diverse group to attend.

“You don’t have to be doing service learning or to have to be involved to attend the day,” Sakuda said. “Just because you come, doesn’t mean you have to pledge to be involved either.”