Chaminade Silversword

The student news site of Chaminade University of Honolulu

Chaminade Silversword

Chaminade Silversword

‘Father Chami’ Represents School’s Namesake

Noelani Tugaoen
Father Chaminade often makes an appearance for events when visitors come to Chaminade University’s campus.

When it comes to popular college mascots, Cosmo the Cougar, The Oregon Duck, and Aubie the Tiger come to mind. But with Chaminade University of Honolulu’s total student population of 2,190 and the known mascot being a plant no one has heard of, it could easily be assumed that there is no one parading around in a plant costume at sporting events.

While it may be true that there is no one dressing up as the ʻahinahina (better known as the silversword), there still is one character that is proud to represent Chaminade University, and that’s Father Chaminade himself.

“It’s an honor to be Father Chami [nade], to be able to dress as the guy who the school is named after, but that costume is really hot,” said one of the people who has previously worn the Father Chaminade costume.

The members who wear the costume, as well as Campus Ministry, have asked for the identities of the people who wear the costume to remain anonymous. Campus Ministry would like to keep the presence of Father Chaminade a surprise for events. 

There is no official selection process for those who wear the costume. The students who wear the costume are people who are usually associated with Campus Ministry, as that is where the costume is housed. 

Though the origins of Father Chaminade is uncertain, the costume was first thought to arrive on campus around the 2013-2014 school year. The costume is handmade by @chamimommie on Instagram, a former staff member of St. Mary’s University (Chaminade’s sister school in Texas).

The Father Chaminade costume consists of the head and cassock set (the cassock is not worn often due to the size being too large), and the person wearing it can see through the netting inside the mouth. 

In previous years, Father Chaminade appeared at sporting events but does not currently. However, Father Chaminade likes to come out for some of the university’s larger events, such as “Chaminade Preview Day,” or the 5th graders’ campus visit (“Dream Big: I Go To College”) where guests are able to visit the university campus.

However, the Father Chaminade costume does come out when there are no visitors on campus. This happens during Founders Week, when Chaminade celebrates the founders of the university. This weeklong celebration occurs early in the spring semester (around mid to late January), and Father Chaminade, as the namesake of the school, makes frequent appearances during that time.

In 2021, due to COVID closing the campus in January, Founders Week happened later on in the semester in April. The real Father Chaminade’s birthday is on April 8, 1761. In honor of celebrating Father Chaminade’s 260th birthday, Campus Ministry was able to host an event called “BIRTHDAY Bash for Blessed Chaminade,” when there was a series of activities and food for people to enjoy. But the highlight of the night was when Father Chaminade appeared, and the audience sang “Happy Birthday” to him, and a cake was presented with a lit candle. Father Chaminade, after acting surprised, was able to blow out the candle through the costume. 

“It’s cool to see people react when I’m dressed as Father Chaminade,” said the anonymous wearer of the Father Chaminade costume. “It puts a smile on people’s faces when they can tell its Father Chaminade. He’s just a fun guy to see around.”