Waimanalo: the Beauty, Land, Challenges, People
Waimanalo, a small windward community located near the eastern end of the island. The land in which I live and have resided for 22 years is dearly important to me. I will present different areas of the town that will give viewers an inside look at what makes Waimanalo continue to prosper and grow and the challenges we face as a community. My hopes at the end of this slide are to provide the viewers an insight of appreciation and recognition to not only Waimanalo but back to the land/community from which they are from.
Small restaurants and shops from Kenekes to Bobby’s market and Waimanalo Feed Supply are all locally owned and operated. Kenekes is the central hub for homemade plate lunch meals. Owner Keith uses the restaurant as a canvas to represent the “Fear God” powerlifting team that Keneke had created for the neighborhood youth in 1998. Pieces of the mural's artwork consist of his favorite Bible verses that can be seen along the walls of the restaurant, such as Luke 12:5. "But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear Him who, after the killing of the body, has power to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear Him."