The end of spring semester is rolling right around the corner, and seniors are getting ready to graduate. Through all the chaos, there’s only the highlight of the semester left, the Commencement Ball.
The Commencement Ball, with its semi-formal attire, will be held this semester at the Ko‘olau Ballrooms. Doors will open at 6 p.m. and close at 11 p.m. and parking will be free for students, faculty and staff.
“My hope is that everyone enjoys themselves,” said Querida Dydasco, the vice president of Programming Board. “I was very excited that the ball is masquerade theme, so I hope the others feel the same way. People can dress up in gowns and have uniqueness in their masks.
Commencement Ball is held every year in honor of the graduating class, though most times there are more underclassmen attending than seniors. This year’s theme is Music of the Night, and it will be a Masquerade Ball.
As the biggest event of the year, the Programming Board has been planning the ball since last semester. According to Programming Board member Jasmine Cho, the theme masquerade was quickly chosen after hearing that the last masquerade was more than four years ago.
“I’m a pretty excited about Commencement Ball,” Cho said. “There was a lot of paperwork and planning involved in order to have this ball, so I hope the students enjoy it … I helped plan it last year too, and I thought it was fun.”
At every ball, there are food, drinks, entertainment and activities. Alcohol is also sold for those who are 21 years old and over. This year, 180 students including their guests will be participating. That amounts to about 20 tables, and seating is based on a first-come, first-serve basis. The tickets, which sold out on Monday, were free for graduating seniors, $15 per person and $25 for two.
Those who went to Commencement Ball last year will be excited to hear the photo booth is back. It was a big hit during the last ball at Aulani Disney Resort and was constantly bombarded with people.
On top of bringing back the photo booth, disk jockey Kirk is also back. Kirk Muller, also known as DJ Kirk, is a student at Chaminade that is the regular DJ that is used when Programing Board has an event or dance. He also provided the music at last year’s Commencement Ball.
“Commencement Ball is basically like a prom,” Cho said. “For someone like me, who never went to prom or winter ball during high school, it’s an opportunity for me to have such an experience.”