Chaminade Silversword

The student news site of Chaminade University of Honolulu

Chaminade Silversword

Chaminade Silversword

The Untold Horror Stories of Chaminade University’s Dorm Life

Bella Frasure
Outside of Kieffer Hall, which is a residence hall, but also the home of School of Business.

Dorm life seemed so glorified and exciting. Growing up the movies made it seem like your first roommate would become your best friend, and the dorms always looked so fancy. 

However, after nearly three years of living in a dorm, I have gathered many stories to prove otherwise. While I have created my lifelong college friendships in these residence halls, living on campus has provided with me with crazy stories. 

Here at the Chaminade University there are a total of three on campus housing options, and one apartment building off campus. 

I have lived in Kieffer Hall, which is an all-girls communal building located at the top of campus, for three years. I have enjoyed my time there and met many incredible people, however I definitely have some horror stories. I have to warn you there are quite a few nasty stories and if you think it is fake stories my therapist can vouch for me. (All names have been withheld for people’s privacy.)

Gross bathrooms

Originally, I was slightly opposed to having communal bathrooms. But the more I thought about it, it didn’t seem so bad, since I presumed women are cleaner. That is the furthest from the truth. 

My third year living in Kieffer has been filled with filth left and right. Someone who resides in Kieffer has pooped in the shower. Twice. And left it for days. How on Earth does an adult think it is OK to poop in a communal shower? Even worse, why is someone leaving it for days making it a health hazard?

A friend of mine who currently lives in Kieffer Hall has had the unpleasant experience of cleaning puke (not hers) out of our washing machines three times. 

Roommates are the worst

Hale Pohaku used to be a mainly upperclassman building, but due to our high enrollment this year with the freshman/first-year students, many are living in Hale Pohaku. It is a co-ed suite-style dorm. A story from a previous resident who used to live in Hale Pohaku dealt with filthy roommates. There were used condoms left on the floor, dirty clothes everywhere, and trash all over. 

According to a male student who is currently a junior, during his freshman year he was residing in Hale Lokelani, he had a suitemate who would come in and stare at him while he was sleeping. 

Haunted rooms

Hale Lokelani (suite style and co-ed) is a first-year building that has plenty of stories. Lokelani is one of the most haunted buildings on campus, so that alone caused some horror stories. In one of my friend’s rooms during my freshman year, her light in her room was always flickering, and we were informed that her room specifically was incredibly haunted. As a joke we named the spirit in the room “Frank,” and it was common to hear “CUT IT OUT FRANK” whenever the light would flicker uncontrollably. One night it completely went green when flickering, which caused us to freak out, and leave the room immediately. 

Off-campus creepers too

The Waialae Apartments is a co-ed building that is located off campus. About a year ago, a homeless man followed a student I know back to the apartments. The homeless man ended up coming into that person’s room, so all of the roommates locked themselves in the bedroom. At the time, you could walk up to any door at the Waialae Apartments and see if it was open. Since this incident, the school has added locked doors on the stairwell to prevent that situation from happening again.

Dorm life has still come with many fun memories and created many of my lifelong college friendships.