Chaminade Silversword

The student news site of Chaminade University of Honolulu

Chaminade Silversword

Chaminade Silversword

5 Saints to Help Students Survive Finals

Noelani Tugaoen
Saints Mother Marianne and Father Damien are housed in the Mystical Rose Oratory at Chaminade University of Honolulu.

Being the only Catholic university in the Pacific, our students can look to the saints for some intercessory prayers when students are in search of some divine help.

So, dust off your rosaries and say your “Hail Mary’s,” it’s finals season. Here are five saints to help you through the last push of the semester.

Saint Thomas Aquinas (patron saint of students and universities)
Saint Thomas Aquinas is often referred to as one of the greatest figures of 13th-century Europe in the two preeminent sciences of the era, philosophy, and theology, he epitomizes the scholastic method of the newly founded universities according to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. As the patron saint of both students and universities and a lifelong student, he stands as a great person of faith whom students may be able to relate to and ask for special prayers. 

Saint Damien and Saint Marianne (patron saints of Hawaiʻi)
Many of the popular saints, including Saint Anthony of Padua, Saint Francis of Assisi, and Saint John Vianney are from Europe. According to the Archdiocese of San Francisco, only 11 saints are from the United States. Of those, two are from Hawai`i. Both Saint Damien and Mother Marianne left their homes (Belgium and New York, respectively) to care for the people of Moloka`i, who had Hansen’s Disease (formally called leprosy). For students attending school here at Chaminade, having role models who were involved in culture and caring for the native people can be a way to connect the culture of Hawai`i and the Catholic faith. 

Saint Dymphna (patron saint of the mentally ill)
Mental illness among college campuses is rising exponentially. Specifically, 44 percent of students reported symptoms of depression; 37 percent said they experienced anxiety; and 15 percent said they were considering suicide — the highest rate in the 15-year history of the survey, according to the National Education Association. Saint Dymphna, in her time, was known to have the ability to heal people who had mental illness. With a new and foreign environment and the new stressors of academics, Saint Dymphna is an excellent saint to call on for students. 

Saint Christopher (patron saint of travelers)
To get to school, students have to travel. Whether that be on an airplane coming from their hometown, or in a car, students are constantly moving. The story of Saint Christopher is that he carried people across a dangerous river as a living. One of his “passengers” was the infant Jesus. While Saint Christopher is often referred to as the protector of physical voyages, he can also be the protector of emotional and educational journeys. As Chaminade University is a campus dominated by local commuters, Saint Christopher is a must-have saint to pray to for safety for the trek ahead. 

Saint Catherine of Siena (patron saint of nurses)
Chaminade University is well known for its Nursing program. Many saints represent nurses, but one of the most prominent ones is Saint Catherine of Siena. In her lifetime, she had a great devotion to caring for the sick, especially those with contagious diseases, according to Savelli Religious. Saint Catherine of Siena can be a great Catholic aid for students who are aspiring to be nurses.