Graduation Week in GIFS
April 30, 2016
With graduation coming up on May 9, I thought that it was only fitting to describe the current feelings that I am sure we are all experiencing as we scramble to finish strong.
Ah! Graduation: the culmination of years of work, tears, late nights and learning to scrape by. A time to look back on old memories and prepare to make new ones. As we prepare to walk across the stage to collect our empty paper holder that proves that we can stick with something and see it to the finish, there are many emotions that I know I am not alone in feeling.
We will all go through it, so know that we are here for you and can understand. Don’t worry, it is almost all over.
As you start on your final To-Do list and look over all the things that you have to finish in a week there is a moment of panic that triggers all of these emotions.
The unavoidable sinking feeling – no matter how many all-nighters you pull, there is still not enough time in the day. Grab your RedBull or Rockstar and be ready for a few more all-nighters or late nights. My personal favorite ways to push through include a cup of coffee, a Rockstar (depending on how tired I am), pretzels and fruit to snack on and some great study music.
At least we are all in this together. *starts singing the High School Musical song*
You begin to dream about a life without school. After 17 plus years of homework, classes and lectures we are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. A life of freedom and fun is waiting for us on the other side of that stage! We just hope that we aren’t going to be stuck working in the food industry the rest of our life.
Dare to dream of a better life. The search for a job and a life begins. Well, here we are. We have made it this far and now we get to make a new life for ourselves. You begin to panic about what to do when you get out. “What are you going to do about the future?” is everyone’s favorite question…
… this sums up the feelings about “the future.”
We have done it! We got the grades, we scraped by, but we did it so now it’s time to celebrate!
Now just focus on making it across that stage without tripping. Tell the tale…of your school years and how you made it out alive. To the freshman reading this, it will be hard and it will be rough but it will be worth it. If you we can do it, anyone can.
So good luck. Stay strong. We can do this. Focus on these last few weeks and getting your finals done and finishing those last annoying group projects. Congrats class of 2016, your blood, sweat and tears have paid off and you are almost in the clear.