My mind revisits that fateful day; reluctantly replaying the same scene like a scratched DVD.
It happened all too quickly but I remember it as if it were just yesterday. I recall the cool of the leather chair encompassing my unwilling body, the scent of chemicals swimming through the air and the gleam, of sharp sheers awaiting to rid me of my cherished Rapunzel locks.
Before I could make my plea to end the madness, she made her move and “SNIP”, ten inches of hard earned hula hair dangled lifelessly in her hands.
For years I hadn’t gone more than a mere trim to keep a healthy head of hair.
Given the impression that naturally, hula girls have long hair, I felt it’s what defined who I was and set me apart from other young women.
Growing it from a young age, I would pride myself in the length and beauty it contained. Nonetheless, allowing my hair to characterize who I was, I craved a change, something new, something drastic.
Through the years I had grown so attached to my hair that I knew I didn’t want it to go to waste, thoughtlessly being swept up and thrown out in the dumpster around the corner. So I decided that the proceeds of my hair would go to a good cause, Locks of Love, a non-profit organization.
The mission of LoL is to restore the self-confidence and commonality in children who have suffered from hair loss through medical conditions. Based on their financial income, they receive wigs entirely for free or at a discounted price.

Close family friends of mine went through a trial in their life where their eldest daughter had gone through chemotherapy and lost all her hair. It was heartbreaking how self-conscious an elementary school girl became because of the aftermath of her hair loss.
The moment the girl’s mother cut 12 inches of her own hair to donate, I was encouraged to do the same and make a difference in a child’s life.
Researching more about the organization, I learned that several salons in Honolulu sponsored free or reduced costs to those donating a minimum of 10 inches of hair to Locks of Love.
Although it was emotionally strenuous to cut so much of my own hair, it’s tremendously satisfying to know that a part of you is going toward a much greater cause and helping a child that has needs much greater than my own.
To those considering donation, my suggestion would be to do some research, think about it, then make a decision because 10 inches can make a difference for you and someone else.