Paying for books, groceries and tuition is expensive enough. Does any college student have enough money for an iron or shoe polish? Don’t worry, there are ways around spending money on beauty items and they are all right in your own house! Here are nine homemade beauty products that can replace what you normally buy in the store.
Olive Oil: Makeup remover
Extra virgin olive oil is not only a fantastic moisturizer but is also great at getting rid of any makeup. It will get rid of any stubborn mascara or eyeliner, even the waterproof kind. Just be careful not to get any in your eyes.
Hair Straightner: Iron
Who needs to spend $25 on an iron when you ladies already have a miniature one right in your own bathroom? Not only do you already own one, but a hair straightner is better at getting out those stubborn creases, without leaving any lines in your clothes.
Vaseline: Before you do your nails
Even if you have a shaky hand, there is no need to spend $35 on a manicure. Just spread Vaseline around your nail before you paint your nails. When you are done and your nails are dry, you simply wash your hands, and the nail polish that missed your nails comes right off.
Cinnamon: Bronzer/ blush
Did you wake up looking ridiculously pasty this morning? No worries! Go into your spice cabinet and put a little cinnamon on your makeup brush. Then just apply like you would normally apply your bronzer/blush.
Eye drops: Takes away the red in a zit
Just like you put eye drops take away the redness in your eyes, eye drops can minimize the redness in a zit. Drip six drops into a cotton swab and place the cotton swab on your zit for two minutes. The redness in your zit will go down almost instantly.
Coffee grounds: Cellulite
Don’t worry; you are not alone on this one. 80% of women get cellulite, but its easy to fix and inexpensive. Get ¼ cup of coffee grounds and mix with either 3 tablespoons of hot water or olive oil and put into the microwave for 30-seconds. Massage your legs with the mixture, using either your hands or a washcloth. The massage also releases toxins, which is great for your skin, too!
Mayonnaise: Deep conditioning hair treatment
Massage the mayonnaise into your hair and leave in for about 15 minutes. Shampoo and rinse your hair until you can no longer smell the mayonnaise. The egg yolks in protein-rich mayonnaise not only strengthens hair, but the oil helps to rejuvenate and give shine to dull hair.
Bananas: Shoe polish
Why should anyone have to buy shoe polish for those leather shoes that are only worn twice a year for special occasions? Once you’ve eaten the banana, rub the inside of the peel all over your shoe. Then simply buffer the shoe with a soft cloth and your shoes are as good as new.
Potatoes: Remove rust
This is the easiest and cheapest way to get rid of rust. The acid in a potato literally dissolves the rust. Just slice open the potato and rub the rust on the pan or skillet. You can also add salt or soap to help the process go by faster.